Well, that was a pleasant srrsuipe. 😀 *hugs Feral* I can’t wait ’til next friday to see what happens next. I do read this comic about one every two months, but I woul never abandon it. Things are getting really interesting now.I’m not sure if anyone has asked it before nor whether you are free to answer that but how long will this webcomic go on? I mean are we still at the intro, in the middle of the plot or nearing to an end? 🙂 Just asking out of curiosity.
April 5th, 2012 - 12:21 am
Well, that was a pleasant srrsuipe. 😀 *hugs Feral* I can’t wait ’til next friday to see what happens next. I do read this comic about one every two months, but I woul never abandon it. Things are getting really interesting now.I’m not sure if anyone has asked it before nor whether you are free to answer that but how long will this webcomic go on? I mean are we still at the intro, in the middle of the plot or nearing to an end? 🙂 Just asking out of curiosity.