Yeah, that’s pretty much why I haven’t boheertd with their new album yet, although I’m sure there’s gonna be 1 song on that I’ll love. When they first started rapping about getting reviewed by Noz or whatever it was somewhat novel, but the whole “On the way to meet Brandon smokin’ trees/while Codie on Bandcamp with our MP3s” shtick has gotten really old.
April 1st, 2014 - 2:59 pm
Yeah, that’s pretty much why I haven’t boheertd with their new album yet, although I’m sure there’s gonna be 1 song on that I’ll love. When they first started rapping about getting reviewed by Noz or whatever it was somewhat novel, but the whole “On the way to meet Brandon smokin’ trees/while Codie on Bandcamp with our MP3s” shtick has gotten really old.